Will & Trust Contests
Las Vegas Lawyer to Assist with Contesting Wills & Trusts
Contact Our Las Vegas Attorney: (702) 703-6998
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Are you a beneficiary who is waiting to receive your inheritance? Did you learn that the inheritance you are receiving is significantly lower than you expected? Were you completely left out of the will? If you believe that something is not adding up regarding your loved one's will, we can help you. Our Las Vegas attorneys assist with contesting wills and trusts in addition to estate planning, and can work hard to make sure that the will or trust is accurate and valid and that you receive the inheritance you deserve.
Wills or trusts may not accurately reflect the decedent's wishes in some cases. In these situations, you may discover that there is a problem with a document, that your loved one would not have wanted you to be left out of the will, or that he or she would not have wanted the majority of his or her assets given to a particular person or charity.
Reasons to Contest a Will or Trust
- Age of the author: A will created before an individual turns 18 is not valid unless the minor is emancipated.
- Mental state of the author: People must be of sound mind when creating wills and trusts. If the author did not know what the will was, did not understand what he or she owned, or did not know who he or she should normally provide for, then the document may be considered invalid. Wills aren't invalidated simply based on forgetfulness.
- Undue influence: Sadly, there are times when a person will manipulate the will or trust author to leave all or most of the estate to him or her. Such manipulation can be committed with threatening or subtle coercion or influence.
- Fraud or forgery: Sometimes, a person fraudulently alters a will or creates a brand-new will in another person's name and forges his or her signature. These acts are illegal. This type of fraud or forgery has been committed by caregivers, family members, and friends of decedents.
- Vague statements in a will: Sometimes, a will author may include vague statements in the will that can cause conflict when heirs interpret them differently. Our team can help to sort out some of these vague statements in a satisfactory way.
Representing Beneficiaries in Trust & Will Contest Cases in Las Vegas
Our Las Vegas attorneys for wills and trust contests can help you with beneficiary representation if you want to have your say in court. If you believe that the contents of a will were altered, influenced, or are not valid, then talk with us today. We will do what we can to insist on fairness in your case.
Call (702) 703-6998 to talk to a lawyer in Las Vegas to schedule your consultation!

A+ Rating from the Better Business Bureau
Selected for Inclusion in the list of Super Lawyers®
Reputable & Law-Abiding Law Firm
We provide insight and guidance regarding every aspect of estate planning.
We will always give you the personalized attention you deserve.
We will make your case our top priority.